The two most prominent brand colours are used in the header.
Please note, we are NOT currently using Pantone Plus
Pantone: Cyan
CMYK: 100-0-0-0
HEX: #00b4f7
Pantone: 288C
CMYK: 100-67-0-23
HEX: #00529a
Greys are used (particularly in type) to communicate information hierarchy and aid readability.
We have opted to not use 100% black for accessibility reasons. Studies have found that many dyslexic people find it easier to read when there is less contrast between the background colour and the text colour.
HEX: #4b4b4b
CMYK: 0-0-0-90
HEX: #999999
CMYK: 0-0-0-60
HEX: #cccccc
CMYK: 0-0-0-35
HEX: #ededed
CMYK: 0-0-0-10
HEX: #f2f1f1
There are specific colours associated with our products.
HEX: #687f8e
HEX: #998a58
HEX: #a9b2ba
HEX: #836242
These colours represent the brand in a functional capacity.
We use these colours (predominantly on the web) as a communication tool to help describe an action or to reinforce the tone when conveying certain information. This subtle interaction design aids usability and enhances the customers' web experience.
Main 'Call to action' colour for buttons. It should be reserved for the most important actions on the page.
HEX: #a52752
Links and buttons
HEX: #0084c5
Supportive actions to help the user
HEX: #b7e6ff
Predominantly for offers, highlights and confirmation of positive actions.
HEX: #7ec252
Notifications to support user actions
HEX: #f7921e
To be used sparingly to draw attention to errors
HEX: #ec4b42